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Thomas Jackson
13 May 1873 in Belfast, Ireland, United Kingdom
Born 16d 6mo 1838 - Died 16 August 1917
Born 19d 1mo 1839 - Died 13d 9mo 1928
Ancestral View
Ireland, Births and Baptisms, 1620-1881
Name: Thomas Jackson
Gender: Male
Birth date: 13 May 1873
Birthplace: Down, Ireland
Father's name: Anthony Thomas Jackson
Mother's name: Elizabeth Greer Greeves
Registration District: Belfast
Volume Number: 6
Page Number: 366
Indexing project (batch) number: C70152-8
System origin: Ireland-ODM
Source film number: 255874
[RFSS Jan 2013]

1901 Census record taken on Sunday, 31 March.
Residents of a house 8 in Derryvolgie Avenue, Belfast (Windsor Ward, Co. Antrim)
 SurnameForenameAgeSexRelation to headReligion
1JacksonAnthony Thomas62MaleHead of FamilyChurch of Ireland
2JacksonElizabeth Greer62FemaleWifeChurch of Ireland
3JacksonLillie30FemaleDaughterChurch of Ireland
4JacksonRachel Greeves29FemaleDaughterChurch of Ireland
5JacksonThomas27MaleSonChurch of Ireland
6JacksonNewsom26MaleSonChurch of Ireland
7JacksonM. Marrianne M.22FemaleDaughterChurch of Ireland
8JacksonLydia Newsom R.20FemaleDaughterChurch of Ireland
9MalcomsonSusanna86FemaleAuntSociety of Friends
10McKinleyMary36FemaleServantRoman Catholic
 BirthplaceOccupationLiteracyMarital StatusSpecified Illnesses
1BelfastArchitectRead and writeMarried-
2Co. Tyrone-Read and write Married-
3BelfastForeign MissionaryRead and writeNot Married-
4Belfast-Read and writeNot Married-
5BelfastMechanical EngineerRead and writeNot Married-
6BelfastLaundry AssistantRead and writeNot Married-
7Belfast-Read and writeNot Married-
8Belfast-Read and writeNot Married-
9Co. Armagh-Read and writeNot Married-
10Co. AntrimGeneral DomesticRead and writeNot Married-
[RFSS Jan 2011]
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