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Capt. Spencer Foster Hewins
15 April 1909 in Washington, District of Columbia, United States of America [ s901 s1186 ]
8 September 1972 in Naval Hospital, Bethesda, Maryland, United States of America [ s901 s1186 ]
in Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington County, Virginia, United States of America [ s1186 ]
Born 6 March 1876 - Died 9 May 1971
Born 16 October 1883 - Died 6 May 1960
Born 19 September 1909 - Died 24 September 2010
11 September 1930 in Colorado Springs, El Paso County, Colorado, United States of America [ s3014 ]
 Child 1
Details Withheld
 Child 2
 Child 3
 Child 4
Ancestral View
NOTE: Information has been withheld on living persons and those born after 1925 for whom no death record is available.
Capt. Spencer Foster Hewins 1909 - 1972Capt. Spencer Foster Hewins 1909 - 1972
Photograph courtesy of Joy H. Jones Colorado Springs
[RFSS Sep 2013]

Capt. US Coast Guard.

United States Social Security Death Index
Given Name: Spencer
Middle Name: F
Surname: Hewins
Birth Date: 15 April 1909
Social Security Number: 461-58-2895
State: Texas
Last Place of Residence:
Previous Residence Postal Code:
Event Date: 8 September 1972
Age: 63
[RFSS Nov 2006]

Obituary published in the Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph on Tuesday 12 September 1972 reads
Former Resident Dies in Maryland

Funeral services for Spencer F. Hewins will be held Friday in Arlington National Cemetery.

Mr. Hewins, a retired Coast Guard captain, died Friday in Bethesda, Md. He was a resident of Leonardtown, Md., and Orleans, Mass.

He was married to the former Frances Willett of Colorado Springs. Mrs. Hewins survives.

Born in 1909 in Washington, D.C, Mr. Hewins was the son of a distinguished American naval architect, Lyman F. Hewins.

He attended Technical High School in Washington and was graduated in 1930 from the U.S. Coast Guard Academy. During the 1930s he participated in some of the early measurement studies of the Atlantic Ocean floor.

During World War II he served in the Pacific Theater and later established and directed Marine Corps training in small boat operations at Camp Lejeune, N.C.

Following his retirement he taught science courses in the Calhan and Cheyenne Mountain school districts for several years. For the last 10 years, he was associated with his son in the breeding of Angus cattle at his Uranus Farms operation in Leonardtown.

Other than his widow, he is survived by a son, Lyman W. Hewins of Uranus Farms; three daughters, Mrs. Robert E. Jones of Colorado Springs, Mrs. Charles M. Parker, Richmond, Va., and Mrs. Dale E. Bryson, Tulsa, Okla.; a sister, Mrs. Robert E. Gallagher, Orleans, Mass. and Fort Lauderdale, Fla., and nine grandchildren.

The transcript comes courtesy of the Pikes Peak Library District's Special Collections>
[RFSS Dec 2009]

United States Department of Veterans Affairs
DATE OF BIRTH: 04/15/1909
DATE OF DEATH: 09/08/1972
[RFSS Jan 22011]

Headstone of Capt. Spencer F. Hewins 1909 - 1972Headstone of Capt. Spencer F. Hewins 1909 - 1972
Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia

The headstone photograph comes from the Find A Grave website courtesy of Hope.
The location is Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia, United States of America - Plot: Section 13 Site 64-A.
Link to the Find A Grave site for Spencer F. Hewins
[RFSS Sep 2010]
Colorado Statewide Marriage Index, 1853-2006
Name: Spencer F. Hewins
Event Date: 11 Sep 1930
Event Place: Colorado Springs, Teller, Colorado, United States
Age: 21
Birth Year (Estimated): 1909
Spouse's Name: Frances L. Willet
Spouse's Age: 21
Spouse's Birth Year (Estimated): 1909
Page: 3662
GS Film number: 001690088
Digital Folder Number: 005203187
Image Number: 00483
[RFSS Sep 2013]

Wedding record for Spencer Foster Hewins and Frances Louisa WillettWedding record for Spencer Foster Hewins and Frances Louisa Willett
[RFSS Sep 2013]
[ s901 ] Social Security Death Index - United States of America - SS#: 461-58-2895
[ s1186 ] Cemetery Marker - Headstone - Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia, United States of America - Plot: Section 13 Site 64-A - H1972-08-08-SFH
[ s3014 ] Marriage Registration - Colorado Statewide Marriage Index, 1853-2006 - Marriage of Spencer F. Hewins and Frances L. Willet on 11 September 1930 in Colorado Springs, El Paso County, Colorado, United States of America - Page: 3662, GS Film number: 001690088, Digital Folder Number: 005203187, Image Number: 00483 - MR1930-11-09-SFH-FLW
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