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This transcription is intended SOLELY for the non-commercial use of family history research.
The History of
1654 - 1793 - 2004

This History would never have been written if it had not been for the continued help and encouragement and enthusiasm of Allen H. Pearson, and his Committee has willingly accepted responsibility for the business side of the publication by approaching several Charitable Trusts for financial assistance towards printing and other expenses. In addition to obtaining and providing photographs, illustrations and map, he has been in close touch with the printers and is involved with sales and distribution of the book. Grateful thanks is given to all who helped in a variety of ways especially to Olive C. Goodbody, Friends' Historical Library, Dublin, who kindly provided copy of the map and details of visit circa 1779. Dr. Alan Gailey, Ulster Folk and Transport Museum who kindly gave permission to quote from his valuable article on Ballyhagan Inventories 1716-1740. D. Roger M. Weatherup, Armagh County Museum, who provided material and advice. James Chapman, Clerk of Richhill Preparative Meeting, for Research in preparative Meeting records. Theodore W. Moody for his willing assistance in research. G. Leslie Stevenson, Custodian of Quaker Records, Lisburn, for providing access to material in the archives of the Strong Room, Lisburn Meeting House. Others to whom I am indebted are Jean E. Pearson, Sheila M. Adair, Jillian Chapman and Sheelah I. Peile, who undertook the typing.

The decisions on contents or omissions and the comments and opinions expressed on or about personalities or events are accepted by me.

G. R. C.

The following is the List of Trusts from whom donations were received -

Hildia and Alice Clark Charitable Trust
Sir James Reckitt Charity
Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust (specified towards the Production costs of play "Soldier of Christ")
Esme Mitchell Trust
S.C. Moreland's Charitable Trust
Westcroft Trust per Mary Cadbury

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