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This transcription is intended SOLELY for the non-commercial use of family history research.
The History of Ballyhagan and Richhill Meetings 1654 - 1793 - 2004

Year 1660 Matthew Horner, being sued for tythes in the Primate's Temporal Court at Ardmagh, by Thomas Burrell and Henry Wilkinson, employed by James Threlfall, Priest of Kilmore for the value of about 16s. 8d. had taken from him, by Bailiffs, two horses worth £4.

Edward Towle, being sued for tythes to the value of about 8/- had taken from him, by the Bailiffs, a mare and two colts worth £3.5s.

William Williamson, Sen. and William Williamson Junr., being sued for tythes, as aforesaid, to the value of about 18/9d. the Bailiffs took from William Williamson Junr. four cows worth £7.10s.

Thomas Browne for 5/- demanded for tythes, had taken from him, by Bailiffs, bed-clothes worth £2.10s. notwithstanding that he was a poor man, and had five small children, and that all the bed-clothes that they left him were not worth one shilling.

William Brownlow, being sued, as aforesaid, for tythes to the value of £1.5s. had taken from him by the Bailiffs, six cows and a web of cloth worth £13.5s.

1665 - William Souldon being sued for tythes, to the value of about £2.10s., in two actions in the Manor Court of Legacory, by George Walker, Priest, had taken from him four cows worth £5.

Francis Hobson, being sued for tythes in the Primate's Temporal Court at Ardmagh, by the said Priest, had five cows and a bull taken from him worth £9.

John Winter, being sued for tythes, in the said Court, by the said Priest, had taken from him two cows worth £3.

Francis Hobson, being sued for tythes in the Primate's Temporal Court at Ardmagh, by George Walker, Priest, had as many cattle taken from him as were worth £7.10s.

John Marsh, being sued for Milch?money, and offerings, to the value of about £3 at the Manor Court at Loughgall by Humphry Pettard, Priest, had taken from him so many of his cattle as were worth £18. The said John Marsh being sued again, in the said Court for five years tythes of sixty-two sheep, by the said Priest, had the very whole number of sixty-two sheep taken from him, being all he had, worth £12.

John Fletcher, being sued for tythes, to the value of 7/- in the said Court, by the said Priest, had a horse and cow taken from him worth £2.10s.

1667 William Steer, being sued for tythes, to the vaIue of £1.10s. at the Sheriff’s Court, by George WaIker, Priest, had as much broadcIoth taken from him as was worth £3.19s.

John Blackburn, being sued for tythes to the value of 2/11/2d. in the Manor Court of Loughgall, by Humphry Pettard, Priest. The said John produced the statute against all proceedings in Temporal Courts for tythes; notwithstanding the Jury said to the Seneschal of the Court, and the said Priest Pettard, that if they would give it under their hands to be indemnified and saved harmless, they would proceed, (here is like Priest, like people, both contriving and consenting against the Law and how to make spoil and havoc of the innocent) and accordingly the seneschal and Priest gave under their hands as followeth -

June 14th 1667 "We do hereby promise to secure the Jury from what damage they shall incur, for proceeding in the action of John Blackburn; as witness our hands

William Hart
Humphry Pettard

Upon this the jury proceeded and cast the said John in 2/1½ for which the Bailiffs took from a horse worth £2.

1668 William Kenningham, being sued for tythes and Clerk's wages, in the Primates Temporal Court at Ardmagh, by Robert Smyth, farmer of small tythes, had taken from him, by the Bailiffs, a horse out of the plow worth £3.

George Hall, being sued in the said Court for tythes and Clerk's wages, to the value of 4/2d. by the aforesaid Smyth, had taken from him his wife's gown, and other goods worth £1.16s.6d.

John Blackburn, being sued for tythes and Clerk's wages, in the Sheriff's Court for the value of about 6A by the said Smyth, had taken from him, by the sub?Sheriffs and Bailiffs, as much yarn as was worth £2.

John Fletcher, being sued for tythes and offerings, to the value of 2/1d. at the Manor Court of Loughgall, by Humphry Pettard, Priest, had a cow taken from him worth £1.10s.

Patrick Robinson, being sued at said Court for tythes, by the said Priest, had taken from him a tub, a pot, a frying-pan, and a parcel of yarn, being most of what was in the house worth £1.6s.

1669 John Marsh, being sued for Priest's and Clerk's dues (so called) and other suchlike things, to the value of 8/3d in a Temporal Court at Ardmagh, by Thomas Blevin, Clerk, had taken from him by Bailiffs, a brass pot, and four pewter dishes worth £1.17s.

1670 Widow Bartrim, had taken from her by Hugh Belton, Clerk of the Parish of Kilmore and John Moor, one pot worth 3/? for burying her husband, and sprinkling her child, (as they said) though they did neither: And for £1.4s. which the said Belton & Moor demanded for tythes, alleging it was due before her husband died, had taken from her one cow worth £1.15s she being a very poor woman and had a charge of seven children.

Thus that which was first instituted as a maintenance for the widows and fatherless, is now made use of for their ruin, and depriving them of a livelihood.

William Steer, had taken from him by the said John Moor, Constable, for two years Clerk's wages for the said Hugh Beiton, one piece of broadcloth worth 15/-.

1673 Francis Hobson, was sued in the Bishop's Court at Ardmagh for £2 tythes of milch-money, by George Walker, Priest, and by warrant from two Justices of the Peace, upon a definitive sentence, was taken by David Mulligan Constable, the 2nd day of sixth month, and committed to the goal of Ardmagh, and was prisoner two years and four month, and about 13th of the tenth month 1675 died in said goal.

In the years 1665,1666,1667,1668 and 1669 the following persons had goods (excessively) taken from them for the repair of Kilmore Parish worship-house.

William Williamson Sen. and William Williamson Junr. had yarn, taken from them worth 15/- and for £1.3s. demanded, had two bullocks, yarn and cloth taken from them worth 43/-.

Edward Towle, for £1.5s.2d. demanded at several times, had a cow, cloth, corn, pewter, shoes and plow irons taken from him worth £2.5s.1Od.

Richard Fletcher, for £1.3s.0d. had a cow, two bullocks, and a cadow taken from him worth £3.7s. (122)

William Souldan, had cheese taken from him worth 7/4d. and for 8/7d. more demanded, had pewter, yarn and cheese taken from him worth 15/2d.

William Steer, had money taken out of his shop box, also a hat, and other things worth 7/2d. and for 2/2d. more demanded, had cloth and pewter taken worth 11/d.

Christo. Anderson, for £2.12s.6d. had a horse and cheese taken worth £3.8s.0d.

Francis Hobson, had yarn, bed?clothes, etc., taken from him worth £3.5s.0d.

John Winter, had cheese taken worth 6/4d. and for 11d. more demanded, had cloth taken from him worth 3/-.

William Brownlow, having £2.8s. owing him from Geo. Walker, Priest of Kilmore Parish, the said Priest refused to pay it to him, but detained it for the aforesaid use; and for 7/- demanded more, for that use, had cheese taken from him worth 10/-.

William Kenningham, had cloth, wheat, pewter, cheese, cadow, and a cow taken from him worth £2.12s.4d.

John Marsh, had two sheep, three heifers and two calves taken from him worth £3.7s.0d.

Widow Bartrim, for 2d had a pewter dish taken from her worth 2/6d.

Thomas Calvert, for 10d. had yarn taken from him worth 2/- besides goods to the value of near 40/- taken from divers of them, so that there had been about £30.0s.0d. taken from Friends, for the repair of the said Parish place.

1670 And they took from Will. Brownloe, Will. Williamson Sen. and Junr., John Williamson, Elinor Kenningham, Fran. Hobson and Christopher Anderson, pewter, yarn and other goods, to the value of £1.14s.6d. on pretence for the repair sweeping and other uses, for the parish worship house of Kilmore.


(121) A compendious view of some extraordinary sufferings of the People called Quakers both in person and substance in the Kingdom of Ireland from year 1655 to end George 1st reign By A Fuller & T. Holms 1671 - Dublin Printed 1721.
(122) "Irish rug or quilt used for covering horses”. Information supplied by Mr G.B. Adams, M.R.I.A. dialect archivist Ulster Folk Museum.


1707 Books ordered for Meeting. Piety Promoted 14 copies (123); Primars 49 copies and Horn Book No. I 14 copies (124).

30. 7mo. 1709

Subscribers for George Fox Journal. (125)

William Richardson John Williamson
John Brownlow William Stevenson
Francis & William Hobson William Nicholson & Son Jacob
Benjamin Mackey David Kell
Robert Delap Luke Pool

2mon. 11th. 1709

Notwithstanding there hathbeen a collection concerning rebuilding (Meeting House, Lisburn) upon George Gregson's former holding in Lisburn. (126) Our proportion at this time being £10-8-3 and here followeth the several sums paid.

  £.s.d.     £.s.d.     £.s.d.
William Nicholson 2.0.0   Robert Delap 5.0   William Allen 2.6
William Brownlow 1.0.0   William Gray 10.0   Samuel Murphy 2.6
William Richardson 15.0   Jacob Pearson 10.0   Henry Toppin 5.0
John Brownlow 5.0   James Stevenson 5.0   Joseph Pearson 2.6
Thomas Toppin 5.0   Abraham Pearson 5.0   James Tough 3.0
Luke Pool 5.0   John Winter 5.0   William Stevenson 3.0
Francis Hobson 5.0   William Clarke 5.0   John Stevenson 3.0
William Hobson 5.0   Benjamin Mackey 5.0   James Stevenson Sr. 1.6
John Williamson 5.0   David Kell 2.6      
  5.5.0     2.12.6     1.3.0

All amounts to £9.0s.6d. Behind £1.7s.9d. (Probably made up by Treasurer of Meeting).


Difference between Jonas Shaw and James Tough settled in a peaceable manner and to satisfaction of Friends.

3mo. 23rd 1712

It being considered by this meeting that there are several gates a wanting for our graveyard and meeting house. It is directed that William Brownlow, John Williamson, William Gray and John Winter be concerned to buy what timber they may see needful to make gates of as soon as they can conveniently.

12mo. 1710

In regard to our Friend Isaac Steer (who) is fallen low in his substance of this worlds goods; and believing him to be an honest man his condition being discoursed about at a Province Meeting where it was recommended to the several mens meetings to consider what they would raise for his relief. The subscriptions from this meeting are as follows.

  £.s.d.     £.s.d.     £.s.d.
William Nicholson 5.0   Henry Clarke 1.0   Thomas Toppin 2.0
William Brownlow 5.0   John Reed 6   Henry Toppin 1.1
John Abernethy 1.1   Francis Hobson 1.0   John Winter 1.0
William Stevenson 1.6   Joseph Pearson 8   Benj. Mackey 1.0
James Stevenson 2.0   Abraham Pearson 1.0   William Allen 1.0
Luke Pool 1.6   John Pearson 1.0   John Scott 1.1
Robert Delap 2.0   John Hewitt -   William Gray 2.6
Jacob Nicholson 2.0   William Hobson 1.1   William Richardson 3.4
David Kell 1.0   James Tough 1.0   John Stevenson 1.0
Sam'l Cherry 1.0   James Stevenson Jr. 1.0   John Williamson 2.0
John Brownlow 2.0   William Clarke 1.0   Potter Toppin 10
  1.4.1     9.3     16.10

Collected in all £2.10s.

2d 12mo.12.1713

Oath taken during Election in Armagh by a Friend. Repremanded for same.


Meeting received 14 copies of William Edmondson's Journal (127) which were sold at 3s. 10d. each. Total £2.13s.8d. Books were taken by following Friends.

William Gray Jacob Nicholson John Brownlow
William Nicholson William Brownlow George Delap
William Richardson Benjamin Mackey John Williamson
Thomas Toppin Samuel Johnson Francis Hobson
William Mason    

20th. 3rd mo. 1715

There being a loom belonging to this meeting which requires some repairs carried out to it. It is left to William Brownlow and Robert Delap to visit the loom and get it repaired and bring the charge to next meeting.

9th 4 mo. 1715

The loom aforesaid, Robert King pretended to have some (torn) to paying the twenty shillings which the meeting laid out formerly upon which it was granted him, and he paid the money to William Brownlow and Robert Delap on behalf of this meeting upon which the said loom was delivered unto him the said Robert King.

William Brownlow and Robert Delap is desired to lend the said twenty shillings to James Fox towards buying him a loom and take his bond for it on behalf of this meeting.

4 mo. 9. 1715

Persuant to order of Province Meeting William Richardson and Francis Hobson are desired to join Charlemont Friends (Grange) in performing a visit unto those of our Society in and about Monaghan before next mens meeting.

1 mo. 7.1716

Inasmuch as this meeting is very small which is a great grief to several thats here, and in order to remedy the same for the future its decided that John Williamson or some other (Friend) upon the First Day next desire those that belong to Mens Meeting to stay in order that those that are or have been neglegent may be admonished to more diligence in the future.

1 mo. 22nd. 1716

There is a sum of £19.16.4 to be raised by this meeting (For national charge). The following subscriptions are to help to pay same.

  £.s.d.     £.s.d.
William Brownlow 1.0.0   Jacob Nicholson 15.0
Thomas Toppin 15.0   William Mason 10.0
Jonathan Richardson 1.0.0   Joseph Pearson 5.0
John Brownlow 15.0   John Pearson 3.4
John Williamson 10.0   John Hewitt 6.6
Robert Delap 10.0   William Clarke 5.0
William Gray 15.0   Potter Toppin 10.0
William Hobson 10.0   John Winter 5.5
John Abernathy 10.0   John Scott 3.0
Henry Toppin 10.0   Hugh McDowell 3.3
Benjarnin Mackey 8.0   John Reed 4.0
William Allen 5.0   Francis Hobson 5.0
Abraham Pearson 6.0   Samuel Cherry 4.0
James Stevenson sr. 5.0   John Morrison 3.0
James Tough 5.5   James Delap 3.3
Richard Weatherall 3.0   George Wicklift 2.2
  £8.7.5     £4.7.11

£12.15.4 altogether, (Balance probably made up by meeting treasurer).

2mo. 20th.1717

Our visitors give account that they have been concerned in their service and have visited several families. Their concern was mostly to advise young people to be diligent and desirous to come to meetings for worshipping the Lord and particularly on the work days (mid week meetings) to keep out of vain pastimes etc. also to speak the plain language, also parents to be examplary therein.

Yet in order that several good minutes containing needful matters to be put in practice may be considered, we desire that next First Day, both parents and children may be desired to stay after Meeting for Worship is over, in order that suitable advice, councel or admonition may be given for our mutual edification and prosperity in the Truth.

5mo. 24th. 1717.

The visitors and those in other offices in Church discipline did meet and had a friendly conference together in communicating their minds freely one to another as need seemed to require. Some advice was given in love and there seemed a condescension thereunto and promising resolution to have some things thats amiss amended.

8mo. 23rd and 10mo. 18th 1718.

Dispute between Robert Barns and James Pringle about renting a bleach yard and lands by James Pringle. The matter was brought before Men's Meeting. Both parties were present and stated their cases. Friends were appointed to view the situation and recommend a settlement agreeable to both. Accordingly an agreement was drawn up and agreed to and signed. (128)

3mo. 14th. 1719.

Inasmuch as there is proposals through the Nation for encouraging the printing of Bibles this meeting subscribes as follows.

  No. of
s.d     No. of
s.d     No. of
William Brownlow 3 5.0   Abraham Nicholson 1 1.8   Jacob Nicholson 4 6.8
John Brownlow 4 6.8   Thomas Toppin 1 1.8   William Hobson 1 1.8
Hugh McDowell 1 1.8   William Mason 3 5.0   John Winter 2 3.4
Francis Hobson 2 3.4   John Hewitt 3 5.0   Daniel Winter 1 1.8
John Williamson 3 5.0   Samuel Cherry 1 1.8   John Scott 2 3.4
William Gray 4 6.8   John Pearson 1 1.8   George Delap 2 3.4
James Stevenson Sr. 3 5.0   John Morrison 1 1.8   James Tough 2 3.4
John Blackburn Jr. 1 1.8   Henry Toppin 1 1.8   Abraham Pearson 1 1.8
Robert Delap 2 3.4   Rebekah McConnal 1 1.8   Ann Winter Jr. 1 1.8
Benjamin Mackey 5 8.4   Richard Reed 1 1.8   The Meeting 8 13.4
  28 46.8     14 23.4     24 40.0

Total 66 Bibles costing £5.10.0.

4mo. 17th. 1719.

William Gray gives account that he has received the money from the several Friends that subscribed for the Bibles. These have been ordered from Bartholomew Garnett, (129) Dublin and money forwarded to Amos Strettel, (130) (Dublin) to go in with other meetings proportions.

8mo. 1723.

The above Bibles were received and distributed to those that had paid for them. The meeting received 8 books, 5 of them sold and the other 3 given to poor Friends.

5mo. 19. 1723.

William Sinton (by a Friend) on his behalf has laid before this meeting that he hath intention of transporting himself to America and desires our certificate. The consideration is left to some Friends to discourse with him about his intentions next First Day.

7mo. 19. 1723.

Under consideration that our members should be visited before next Quarterly Meeting. William Brownlow and Francis Hobson have been concerned in that service for many years and Friends are concerned that others should be appointed to assist them. In accordance we desire that Arthur Smith, Thomas Toppin, Abraham Pearson and Benjamin Mackey do join with them on this service and make a deliberate inspection into the state of Friends families belonging this meeting, some time before our next mens meeting.

8mo. 11. 1723.

Those appointed to make a visit give account that they have accordingly performed the same and had pretty good satisfaction in most places, their visit being kindly received: but on the contrary not with some and trouble with others.

11mo. 1723.

Thomas Harlan a Friend of Lurgan Meeting has suffered loss by fire and it being recommended by Quarterly Meeting to raise something towards his help which this meeting is willing to have a collection on purpose for the same.

NOTE - No further details given of amount collected.

6mo. 9. 1728.

Samuel Morton acquaints this meeting that he hath a mind to transport himself and wife to America and desired our certificate. This meeting consents to give him one. Therefore Francis Hobson is desired to draw one up and bring it to Friends for approbation.

4mo. 19th. 1729.

George Delap (131) having intention to travel to the city of Glasgow in North Britain about some trading business and desires our certificate which this meeting grants. We desire Francis Hobson to draw one up and let Friends have the perusal thereof for approbation and signing.< /p>

7th mo. 11 1729.

Inasmuch as George Dunlap (132) hath a mind to remove himself and family into North Britain and settle in the city of Glasgow and desires our certificate. Francis Hobson and Jonathan Richardson are desired to draw up one and show it to Friends for approbation.

2mo. 3rd. 1730.

In regard there is a direction from the 9mo. Half Yearly Meeting 1729 that some Friends of every meeting should be appointed to oversee burials that they be decently managed without superfluous feasting etc. Therefore this meeting doth appoint Jonathan Richardson, Samuel Gray, William Dunlop (133) and Edward Towle for that service as occasion may require.

2mo. 16. 1783.

Mary Wetherald departed this life 9mo. 3rd. 1782 and was interred in Friends Burial Ground near Ballyhagan 5th of same, aged about 70 years. A Minister 44 years.

4mo. 6th. 1783.

A Testimony concerning our dear deceased Friend Mary Wetherald being brought here was read approved and signed. (134)

10mo. 12th. 1783.

This Meeting being informed that Benjamin Sinton being so far led astray by the enemy of all good to violate our Christian Testimony by taking an oath at the Assizes at Armagh and of convicting a person to death, which is contrary to the express command of our blessed Saviour and the Apostle James. This Meeting appoints James Allen, William Nicholson, William Wetherald and Alexander Hewitt to pay him a visit on the occasion, and if they see meet prepare a Testimony against him for the approval of the Meeting.

12mo. 7th. 1783.

The Testimony against Benjamin Sinton was brought here according to appointment. We appoint John Mason and Thomas Toppin to show him the same and return account to next Mens Meeting.

1mo. 18th. 1784.

The Testimoney of disunity was shown to Benjamin Sinton to which he made no objection. William Nicholson is desired to read it publicly in a Meeting for Worship on a First Day, and get it recorded in proper book.

5mo. 23. 1784.

A Paper was given in to this Meeting from Benjamin Sinton of condemnation against himself in regard to his transgression of swearing contrary to our religious principles. We appoint James Allen, Thomas Toppin and William Nicholson to pay him a visit and report their sentiments to next Mens Meeting.

6mo. 17. 1784.

The Friends appointed to pay a visit to Benjamin Sinton in consequence of a paper of condemnation given in by him to last Mens Meeting, report that they had a solid opportunity with him and are in hopes. Said paper was wrote in a degree of sincerity and sorrow for his transgression which is satisfactory for this meeting to hear. However, we think it safest not too suddenly to receive him into membership, but to let said paper lie by to see how his conduct corresponds therewith, and recommends to the Friends before appointed, to inform him thereof as they find their minds opened impart such counsel and advice to him on the occasion as Truth may dictate.

1mo. 13. 1785.

Minutes of this Meeting incomplete and written below.
Several years wanting.
8 blank pages left in book (apparently for minutes to be written in).
Next Meeting held on -
12mo.1791 -

6mo. 26. 1793.

Only one minute made in this meeting and underneath the proceedings of ensuing Monthly Meeting are lost. Next entry are minutes of first Monthly Meeting at Richhill which are given as follows:-

8mo. 22nd. 1793.

Mens Meeting held at Richhill

1. Account was given by one of the Friends appointed that the schools were visited and the Meeting appointed Daniel Chapman and Joshua Marsh to pay the schools a visit and to procure for them such books as they may think they stand in need of, and give account to the next Men's Meeting.

2. The Testimony of Disunity against John Chapman in consequence of his outrunning in marriage was produced here by one of the Friends appointed. We appoint John Creeth and Ephraim Macquillan to show to him and give account to next Men's Meeting. John Morrison is desired to join the afore mentioned Friends to pay his parents another visit and lay before them the impropriety of their conduct and give account to next meeting.

3. The visit was not performed to Benjamin Mackie. The same Friends are desired to continue their care and give account to next Mens Meeting.

4. The certificates for Joseph Williamson and William Allendeferred to consideration of next Men's Meeting.

5. The Epistle of last Yearly Meeting of London was read amongst us to our satisfaction which is desired to be read in a public Meeting for Worship on a First Day morning and afterwards distributed among Friends.

6. The Testimonies of our Friend Richard Shackelton are also to be distributed.

7. The Meeting appoints James Morrison and John Creeth to next Quarterly Meeting at Grange near Charlemont and Francis Cherry and William Nicholson our representatives to next National Meeting in Dublin.

1715 To John Williamson and William Gray for a year's rent of the acre etc. for the year ending 3 mo. 1715. 10s.0d.
1715 To John Pearson for a year's rent of graveyard. Year ending 3mo. 1715. 5s.0d.
1717 To Francis Hobson for recording William NichoIson's will and inventory 1s.3d.
1717 Given by the hands of William Gray to John Blackburn for 2½ yds. flannel for making into a waist coat for the said John Blackburn. 2s.10d.
1717 Paid to John Hoope (Lurgan) Q. M. Treasurer being our part of the National and Provincial Charge. £2.17s.6d.
1717 Paid at a Province Meeting being our proportion of Public charge. £1.14s.3d.
1720 For carrying a letter to Munalan (Moyallon) about a meeting. 6d.
1720 Towards paying for John Lock's coffin. 2s.8½d.
1720 For 3 days work of a man about acre and Meeting house. 1s.6d.
1723 For the additional charge of 8 Bibles at 9d per Bible. 6s.0d.
1724 Sent to Robert Barns in prison by Thomas Toppin. 5s.5d.
1724 For carrying a letter about Joseph Gill (135) to Lurgan. 6d.
1724 For carrying a letter to Grange beyond Charlemont. 6d.
1727 26½ stooks of straw, drawn to Meeting House. 7s.8½d.
1727 For carrying a letter to Castleshane Meeting, Co. Monaghan. ls.1d.
1729 Paid for 20 copies John Barcrofts Journals (136) 8s.4d.
1729 Laid out for shoeing about 2 horses for visiting Friends 1s.6d

(123) Probably refers to book Piety Promoted, a collection of dying sayings of many of the People called Qaukers. With a brief account of some of their Labours in the Gospel, and sufferings for same. The first part by John Tomkins, London, 1701, Second Edition, 1703.
(124) For School use. Probably hold in Meeting House.
(125) George Fox Journal, London printed 2 Vols., Second Edition 1709.
(126) Although the Meeting House in Lisburn (a small thatched building) was not destroyed by the great fire in 1707, it required rebuilding and all meetings in Ulster helped financially.
(127) William Edmondson's Journal was first published in London in 1715
(128) This is an example of how particular Friends were to settle any difference which should arise between two members without going to Law.
(129) and (130) Both were well known Dublin Friends.
(131), (132) and (133) The name Delap gradually is changed to Dunlop.
(134) The Testimony referred to was sent to Half Years Meeting in Dublin.
(135) Joseph Gill was a visiting Friend from Dublin and the purpose of letter may have been to warn Lurgan Friends of his visit and to appoint a Meeting for him.
(136) A brief narrative of the Life, Convincement, Conversion and Labours in Love in the Gospel. Ministry of John Barcroft. Dublin Printed. S. Fuller 1730.


Our dear Friend Mary Weatherald having been removed from us by death, we find an engagement on our minds to give forth a brief testimony in remembrance of her labours and service amongst us.

She came forth in the Ministry about the 27th year of her age and in exercise of her gifts hath been a serviceable member of our meeting, being often livelily concerned amongst us to our edification: and altho' she did not find much engagements to travel abroad she was an example of diligence in attending our meetings at home, and in a solid exercise of mind therein, was also a frequent attender of our Province and Quarterly Meetings where her company and service was acceptable (we believe) to Friends in general.

Her lifeand conversation was becoming her station; her disposition was open, and her innocence remarkable, her spirit tender and affectionate, inciting her to the duty of visiting and sympathizing with her Friends under affliction of body or mind. In the time of her health she frequently found it her duty in public and private to advise to a timely preparation for our final change, and was concerned to labour after it herself, and in the early part of her last indisposition was opened in solid counsel to several who came to visit her, and for herself she expressed a desire that she might be kept near to the Lord to the last; and we trust her desire was mercifully granted for although by her disorder which was paralitic her speech and memory failed some time before her decease, she seemed to be preserved in a quiet and innocent frame of spirit till her end; so that we hope she is entered into everlasting rest and happiness, the attainment of which she often seemed to prefer before all other enjoyments. She departed this life the 3rd day of 9th month, 1782, and was interred in Friends' burying ground near Ballyhagan the 5th of the same; aged about 70 years a Minister 43. Read and approved in our Men's and Women's Meetings held at Ballyhagan by adjournments the 6th of 4th month, 1783, on behalf thereof signed by:-

James Chapman Francis Cherry Alexander Hewitt
John Mackie James Allen Thomas Toppin
Joseph Hewitt John Creeth John Morison
Benjamin Mackie Joshua Marsh William Nicholson
Robert Blear James Morison William Wethereld
Sarah Weathereld Mary Hunter Elizabeth Nicholson
Mary Morrison Phebe Marsh Mary Williamson
Daniel Chapman Joseph Wetherald  
From 'Book of Testimonies of deceased Ministers'.
Eustace Street, Dublin.
Ephraim Allen
Printed Portadown News Office 1912

Morgan Johnson,a Farmer and a Friend, was born at Tullamore, near Loughgall, Co. Armagh, in the year 1758, and died in the year 1820. Hannah Winter, the daughter of a neighbouring farmer, was born in the year 1759, and died in 1835. Morgan Johnson and Hannah Winter were married in the year 1785. They had nine children, namely ? Robin, Francis, Mordecai, Jervis, Sally, Ruth, Betty, Hannah and Mary. Ruth, daughter of the above Morgan and Hannah Johnson, was born in the year 1795. Ephraim Allen was born in New York in the year 1796. Ephraim Allen and Ruth Johnson were married on the 15th day of the 11th month, 1817. Ephraim Allen died on the 16th of 4th month, 1878. Ruth, his wife, died on the 64th anniversary of her wedding, 15th of 11th month, 1881. Ephraim and Ruth Allen had 8 children, Hannah born 1818, Richard born 1821, Fanny born 1823, Ruth born 1825, Ephraim born 13th of 10th month, 1828, Mary Ann born 1831, Robert born 1834, and Sarah Jane born 1836. Ann Eliza Robinson, born 6th of 7th month 1838, died 28th of 12 month 1905. Ephraim Allen (junior) and Ann Eliza Robinson were married on the 14th day of 3rd month, 1862. They had 5 children - Edmund born 1863, Lizzie born 1864, Ruth Anna born 1867, Alfred Edward born 1870 and Joseph Ephraim born 1877.

Image of letter to Parliament 10 February 1893
The following is a transcription of the above document by Robert F. S. Sinton, Feb 2004, which is not part of the original publication.
The handwriting is difficult to read and is therefore my best interpretation.
To the Honourable the Commons of Great Britain and
Ireland in Parliament Assembled

The humble petition of the inhabitants of the Members
of Richhill Mo Mg of the Society of Friends
That in the various countries of Europe the people are
suffering grievously from the burden of taxation owing to the
numerous preparations for war;
That your Petitioners believe that it is felt necessary that
some remedy be found in this deplorable state of tarrifs;
That your Petitioners have learned with the warmest satisfaction
that both Houses of the American Congress have unanimously
authorised the President to conclude a Treaty of Arbitration
with any other Power and that the President has in accordance
with this authorisation invited Great Britain and other powers
to conclude Treaties with the United States.
That your Petitioners believe that the conclusion of such
a Treaty believe Great Britain and the United States would
furnish a splendid example, and might induce other Governments
to join the peaceful compact, and thus preserve the waste of
national resources upon war-provoking militaries.
Your Petitioners, therefore, pray your Honourable House
to take the necessary steps to induce Her Majesty's Government
to open up communications with the President of the United States
with a view to the conclusion of a treaty of Arbitration
between this Country and America.
And your Petitioners will thus pray so,
Signed in and on behalf of the Members of Richhill Monthly Meeting
held at Richhill the 10th day of 2nd mo (February) 1893
Ephriam Allen
1879 Extensive alterations and repairs to Meeting House. Addition of minister's gallery, dado in large room, etc.
Contract to Collen Bros., Portadown.
1898 Exterior of Meeting House rough casted (plastered). £20.10s.
1900 Richard Allen, Grange, Portadown. left the meeting in his will - £25 to provide cushions for seats. Cushions of curled horse hair suitably buttoned, Hassocks (number not stated) purchased at same time ? supplied by Robert Watson & Co., Belfast all cost £26.17s.3d.
1932 Oil lamps dispensed with and electric light installed  
1952 Stables and old house converted into caretaker's house - Architect W.C. Callaghan. Builder Jeffers Bros. cost £1,055.9s.5d.
1952 Ladies Toilets renovated £243.18s.6d.
1966 Old coach house converted to Friends' Hall opened officially 23/3/1967 ? Architect C. Gordon. Contractor Jeffers Bros. £2,235.5s.
  Kitchen and vestibule for Hall, Contractor Jeffers Bros. £385.12s.10d.
1961 Trees felled in burial ground and lawn were in dangerous condition. W. Corbett completed job for timber.  
1962 Mounds in burial ground levelled and grass sown. £48.16s.
  and headstones re-aligned - Robert Uprichard £87
1968 Electric heating installed in Meeting House - coal stove and pipe removed from centre of room - Contractor Greer Parks £429
1970 Double doors fitted between large meeting room and ante-room - Jeffers Bros.  
1972 Meeting House roof reslated and new laths fitted also ceiling insulated - A. Ellison £1,114
1973 Car park excavated and filled - J. Dickson £360
  Sewage connected to mains £482
1974 New garage and store for caretaker - A. Kernahan £1,244
  New toilet for men - Plans drawn by B.A. McDonagh  
1975/6 Weeping ash tree in burial ground blown down and removed  
1977 New ceiling and joists in large meeting room - A. Kernahan £960
1978/9 Cushion seats re-upholstered (see year 1900) - Local contractor £498
1779 (Ballyhagan) 34 Families about 140 in unity 62 Families about 198 'attenders'
Year Male Female Male
under 16
under 16
Total adults children
1814         123
(43 families)
1818         94
(33 families)
1862         99 26  
1872 36 55     91 15 13
1877 35 47     82 45 28
1883 35 41     76 30 9
1887 35 47     82    
1903 45 43     88    
1913 40 43     83 9 3
1923 47 52     99    
1938 51 40     91    
1948 48 44     92 7  
1958 37 46 22 23 128 6  
1968 38 46 29 20 133 7  
1978 62 66 17 13 158 2  
1614 Birth of Margaret Fell
1624 Birth of George Fox at Fenny Drayton
1644 Birth of William Penn
1647 George Fox's public Ministry commenced
1648 Birth of Robert Barclay
1652 George Fox addresses above 1,000 people at Firbank Fell
1662 4,200 Friends in prison
1669 Marriage of George Fox and Margaret Fell
1675 First Edition of Barclay's Apology
1681 Charter granted founding Pennsylvania
1682 Penn's Treaty with Indians at Shackamaxon
1690 Death of Robert Barclay
1691 Death of George Fox
1694 First Edition of George Fox's Journal printed
1702 Death of Margaret Fell
1718 Death of William Penn
1720 Birth of John Woolman
1742 John Woolman declared slavery to be unchristian
1758 London Yearly Meeting and Philadelphia Yearly Meeting advised against slavery
1772 John Woolman died at York from smallpox
1780 Elizabeth Fry born
1807 John Greenleaf Whittier born
  Slave Trade abolished by Great Britain
1813 Elizabeth Fry's first visit to Newgate Prison
1845 Death of Elizabeth Fry
1892 Death of John Greenleaf Whittier
George Fox imprisoned at the Following Places
1649 Nottingham
1650 Derby
1653 Carlisle
1656 Lancaster
1660 Lancaster
1662 Leicester
1664 Lancaster
1673 Worcester
1627 Birth of William Edmondson
1653 First arrivals of William Edmondson and Quaker Missionaries in Ireland
1654 Lurgan/Ballyhagan Meetings settled
1660 Grange Meeting settled
1669 George Fox visited Ireland. Meetings for Discipline established
1689/91 Civil War in Ireland between James ll and William lll - Friends lose property valued at £100,000
1707 William Edmondson's last visit to Ballyhagan. Meeting
1712 William Edmondson dies at Rosenallis aged 85 years.
1762 John Wesley pays first visit to Richhill.
1774 Friends School, Lisburn, established
1793 New Meeting House at Richhill opened
1794 Friends School, Lisburn, taken over by Ulster Quarterly Meeting
1798 Rebellion of United Irishmen
1836 Brookfield School near Moira opened
1845/47 Potato Famine
1906 Tamnaghmore constituted Preparative Meeting in Richhill Monthly Meeting
1921 Grange and Richhill Monthly Meetings united
1922 Brookfield School closed as a School under Friends
1936 The last occasion when Q.M. recorded in its minutes "Women Friends now Present"
1952 Old Stables and Caretaker's cottage above renovated to new Caretaker’s, House at Richhill
1953 Richhill Women’s Meeting established
1967 South Belfast Meeting House built (Preparative Meeting commenced 1957)
1969 Coleraine allowed Meeting established
1978 Bangor Meeting House bought - First met 1953 preparative Meeting 1964

Richhill Preparative Meeting invites Members of our Society, Attenders and friends to join them at a Special Gathering on Saturday 15th of 9th month, 1979. A History of Ballyhagan andRichhill Meetings spanning a period of 325 years, 1654-1793-1979, has been compiled by George R. Chapman and will be on sale (price and postage on application to the Clerk Of Richhill Preparative Meeting).

Hospitality will be available for a limited number of Friends coming from a distance who make an early application. Special terms have been arranged with Gosford House Hotel, Markethill (5 miles). All twelve rooms have double beds and bathroom, bed and breakfast. Single £9.00, double £11.00 plus VAT, less 20% discount.

We look forward to your being able to join us on this occasion when we reverse the past but look for God's guidance in the future.

On behalf of Richhill Preparative Meeting.

James Chapman, Clerk.
Saturday 15/9/1979
3.00 p.m. Address by Rodger Wilson entitled 'Birth and Re-birth: some reflections of a pilgrim', concluded by meeting for Worship '
5.00 p.m. Planting 'of commemorative tree by Margery L. Wilson.
5.30 p.m. High Tea in Friends' Hall Charge £1.00 to help defray expenses.
7.30 p.m. Play 'Soldler of Christ' specially written by Beatrice Saxon Snell depicting the life of William Edmondson.
Sunday 16/9/1979
11.00 a.m. Meeting for Worship.
3.00 p.m. Visit to Ballyhagan and Monie Burial Ground. (Comments by George R. Chapman).
  (Gather at Meeting House when those interested will 'fill up' seats in fewest number of cars as the lanes to location are narrow.)

Whilst perusing Rocques Map of 1760, and in particular studying the roads in the Kilmore/Loughgall area, also knowing the site of the Ballyhagan Meeting House, it was noticed that a particular cartographic representation coincided with where the Meeting House was known to be. This representation is significantly different from all the others which are presumably mostly houses varying in shape and size from rectangular to square. Why did Rocque bother to make this difference? The building also must have been larger than a dwelling house as we known from the 1779 list of names that some 350 persons were connected with the Meeting. Our present Meeting Room accommodates about 150, with the 'small' or womans' Meeting Room at the back holding 50; the gallery could have accommodated 75 at the most.

Dr. Alan Gailey of the Ulster Folk and Transport Museum when approached was reluctant to advise acceptance of this symbolic representation. Depicted on the front cover is an artist's impression of what the building may have looked like. It is interesting to realise that part of Derrymore House in Bessbrook, which is of the same period, has a similar style.

Floor plan of Ballyhaga Meeting House
Could the left wing have been the Womans' Meeting Room and the larger right wing the Men's Meeting Room with a dividing entrance hall?
Richhill Meeting House about 1935
IN DOORWAY John W. Piele, John McDonagh, Henry Pearson
Charles B. Lamb, Gwendoline Loney, Elizabeth H. Lamb, Doreen M. Piele (McDonagh)
Charlotte W. Piele, Susan Burnett, Annie Chapman, May McDonagh (Hobson),
Thomas McDonagh, George R. Chapman, David McDonagh, William McDonagh

CHILDREN Miriam W. Piele, Arthur G. Chapman, W. Ross Chapman
Henry Pearson (1873-1951)
Henry Pearson (1873-1951)
J. Charles Lamb (1900-1978
J. Charles Lamb (1900-1978
Abraham Loney (1872-1943)
Abraham Loney (1872-1943)
Joseph Loney (1877-1939)
Joseph Loney (1877-1939)
>John W. Piele (1878-1968) Charlotte W. Piele (1888-1961)
John W. Piele (1878-1968)
Charlotte W. Piele (1888-1961)
Charles B. Lamb (1864-1944) Charlotte G. Lamb (1864-1957)
Charles B. Lamb (1864-1944)
Charlotte G. Lamb (1864-1957))

It is appropriate that the last page in this History should be the following letter to Members and Attenders of Grange and Richhill Monthly Meeting. It was only recently found in the old oak chest which originally came from Ballyhagan. The sentiments are as appropriate today.

3 Mo., 1922

"Dear Friend,

At our last Monthly Meeting the state of our Meetings for Worship and Discipline came before us in connection with making the Annual Reports, and it was with regret and anxiety we noted a considerable falling off in the attendance during the past year. The present letter is the outcome of an affectionate interest in, and prayerful solicitude on behalf of our members.

Many are the privileges we enjoy, and great the spiritual freedom and responsibility that is ours, in connection with the Society of Friends - more especially in relation to our Meetings for Worship.

These are wonderful opportunities of group fellowship, of rejoicing together in the one baptism, and partaking of the body of our Lord as He imparts Himself to us as the Bread of Life. It is here too, we are so completely at liberty to yield to the leadings of the Holy Spirit in vocal service, to our conviction, edification or comfort, according as each hath need. The vigour of our spiritual life - in fact our continued existence as a Society - depends upon the faithful maintenance by our members of our regular Meetings for Worship.

The fact that we have no paid ministry makes it all the more incumbent upon us, not readily to excuse ourselves, while health and strength are ours, from this Christian obligation and privilege of public worship.

The incoming of each person to the meeting adds, moreover, to the joy and profit of the assembled company; for is it not His purpose that we should be 'everyone members one of another!'

We therefore earnestly encourage you to make every effort to get out to meeting, and to come in a spirit of prayer and expectation - yea and with hearts willing to have the lips used in the vocal service of the meeting, if so be you have tasted that the Lord is gracious and His Spirit leads - remembering the counsel, 'Let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is the fruit of our lips giving thanks to His name!'

To those who are no longer able to be with us - but are prevented from coming by old age or illness, necessary household duties. or on other solid grounds - our hearts go out in sympathy and love. We commend you to the care of Him who neither slumbers nor sleeps, and whose approving and comforting presence is ever shed abroad in the hearts of those who abide in Him. May 'green pastures' and 'still waters' be graciously provided you. May 'His banner over you be love, and His mercies new every morning.'

On behalf of the Meeting,
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